Let's Make a Blog With Polymer: 01

Hey, if I'm up to date with the latest web technologies I should have heard of Polymer and the new HTML technology of web components. So here I'm about to start the development of a blog platform made with Polymer.

What I Need Before Start Developing With Polymer?

IMPORTANT NOTE: This post was written using Polymer v1., mind that the current version is 2 and it isn't completely compatible.

If I didn't know anything about Web Components or Polymer, I think that I should know this things first:

After this amount of info boiling in my head I should be ready to start thinking in made my blog platform with Polymer.

Where Do I Start?

First things firsts, to make the set up I need NodeJS installed in my system and the polymer-cli package:

npm i -g polymer-cli

Also I need to have installed in my system Bower:

npm i -g bower

Let's create a New Polymer Project:

cd $HOME/projects
mkdir blog-app && cd blog-app
polymer init starter-kit

Hell yeah! If I'm right, and the line polymer init starter-kit has worked, I should have a ton of fancy files in my current folder, those are the best foundations for a polymer project as far as I know. I'm going to run the project to check if everything works as expected:

polymer serve --open

Let's Develop

Enough of shell commands, let's go coding something with Polymer!

Polymer Pages

If I've read the post about creating new page in Polymer then every page of a Polymer app is also a Polymer element. So the first thing I need for my blog is a new page element.

Create a New Page

I'm going to create a new page on my polymer proyect to display my posts content src/my-post-view.html:

<link rel="import" href="../bower_components/polymer/polymer.html" />

<dom-module id="my-post-view">
  <!-- Defines the element's style and local DOM -->
      :host {
        display: block;
        padding: 16px;

    <h1>New view</h1>
  <!-- Creates the element's prototype and registers it -->
      is: "my-post-view",

Including the Page on the App

Now I need to include this file in my app src/my-app.html:


  <my-view1 name="view1"></my-view1>
  <my-view2 name="view2"></my-view2>
  <my-view3 name="view3"></my-view3>
  <my-view404 name="view404"></my-view404>
  <!-- this is the important line! -->
  <my-post-view name="post-view"></my-post-view>


Note: Not all the file content is included.

Add Page to Navigation Menu

Also I'm going to include it on the navigation menu in src/my-app.html:


<!-- Drawer content -->
    <a name="view1" href="/view1">View One</a>
    <a name="view2" href="/view2">View Two</a>
    <a name="view3" href="/view3">View Three</a>
    <a name="post-view" href="/post-view">Post View</a>


Note: Not all the file content is included.

If I've done everything right and I go to http://localhost:8080/post-view with my project running I should see my brand new page in my browser.

Registering Page as a 'fragment' for Polymer

Let's add the icing on this cake, including this page to the Polymer config to be handled during the build process polymer.json:

  "fragments": [

Note: Not all the file content is included.

I'm done with this part, now I need to add the pieces for my post, the elements.

Polymer Elements

Reusing Comunity Developed Web Components

Before creating anything new I'm going to download (and save as dependency) the marked-element from the Google's Polymer Catalog to format Markdown code to HTML:

bower install -S PolymerElements/marked-element

After read how this marked-element works let's use it on my-post-view.html:

<link rel="import" href="../bower_components/polymer/polymer.html" />
<!-- First I import the marked-element element -->

<dom-module id="my-post-view">
    <h1>New view</h1>
    <!-- And now I use this new element -->
    <marked-element markdown="`Polymer` is **awesome**!">
      <div class="markdown-html"></div>
    Polymer({ is: "my-post-view" });

Awesome, now I can use Markdown in my posts!

Creating a New Polymer Element

So now that I have an element to show my posts content I want an element to display the author's info at the end of the post, I'm going to call it author-info. First I'm going to create the next file in my project src\elements\author-info.html:

<!-- I need to import Polymer on my element
to being able to create a polymer element -->
<link rel="import" href="../bower_components/polymer/polymer.html" />

<!-- this dom module tag is what encapsulates my element
identifying my element by the `id` attribute-->
<dom-module id="author-info">
  <!-- here I'm going to define what is my element going
  to render when I use it -->
        <a href="http://onlythepixel.com" rel="author">Alberto Fernandez</a>
      <p>Frontend web developer based in Spain, passionate about technology.</p>

  <!-- then I need to tell Polymer that a new element
  has arrived to the city -->
      is: "author-info",

Yay! Let's put it on my posts element page my-post-view.html:

<link rel="import" href="../bower_components/polymer/polymer.html" />
<!-- First I import the author-info element -->
<link rel="import" href="elements/author-info.html" />

<dom-module id="my-post-view">
    <h1>New view</h1>
    <marked-element markdown="`Polymer` is **awesome**!">
      <div class="markdown-html"></div>
    <!-- And now I use it in my page -->
    Polymer({ is: "my-post-view" });

Woah that's enough for now I think, I'll continue later. See you!